We’re delighted to announce the publication of our new Monumental Inscriptions volume for the parish of Duns. The parish of Duns is based very largely on the town of Duns, formerly Dunse.
The church at Duns can trace its history back to at least 1165 when someone by the name of Patrick is recorded as parson.
The town was granted a Charter of Burgh of Barony by King James IV of Scotland in 1490, conferring a number of privileges particularly in regard to trade to the feudal superior, initially George and John Hume of Ayton, subsequently the Hays of Drumelzier. Among other things the feudal superior set up a Barony Court to provide for the collection of tolls, the regulation of trade, the settlement of civil disputes and to deal with minor criminal offences. The records, which have been transcribed by the Society for the years 1753 to 1800 and contain a wealth of detailed personal information, are available as an A4 size book, at a cost of £7.50 plus postage.
The town was probably originally situated on the slopes of Duns Law in an area now known as The Bruntons (or burnt town) but moved to its present location after being put to the torch in the English raids of 1544, 1545 and 1558.
Duns held a strategic position overlooking the Merse and the Cheviots and being very close to the border with England, was attacked and garrisoned by English armies until comparatively late on. The town prospered during the 18th and 19th centuries as a market town for the surrounding farms with the hiring fairs being regular events until the early 20th century. The Hearth Tax of 1694 lists over 40 occupations in the parish, and over 100 years later, 40 occupations can still be found in the Militia Lists.
This volume on CD also includes lists of the ministers of various churches, the monumental inscriptions of the parish church burial ground and memorial plaques, Christ Church (in Teindhillgreen) burial ground and war memorials, Duns War Memorial, War Memorial 1914 -1919, Roll of Honour, and indexes to the surnames in the inscriptions for both the burial grounds.
There are over 430 different surnames included in the inscriptions on the gravestones, and they are: Affleck, Ainslie, Aitcheson, Aitchison, Aitken, Allan, Allison, Allport, Ancrum, Anderson, Atchison, Atkinson, Attenborough, Bailie, Baird, Bairnsfather, Barber, Barclay, Bate, Bates, Baynham, Beale, Belches, Bell, Bellwood, Bertram, Bews, Binny, Bird, Black, Blackadder, Blackhall, Blackie, Blaikie, Blair, Bonne, Boog, Boston, Bowlby, Bowmaker, Boyd, Braidie, Branford, Braydon, Bretton, Bron, Brooks, Broun, Brown, Buchan, Burdon, Burgoin, Burn, Burnett, Burton, Cairns, Calder, Campbell, Carruthers, Carss, Cassy, Cathcart, Caverhill, Chalmers, Chapman, Chirnside, Clarke, Clements, Clerk, Cockburn, Cockshott, Colquhoun, Colson, Colvin, Coombe, Cooper, Cossar, Cosser, Coultman, Cow, Cowlie, Cox, Craig, Craik, Craw, Crawford, Crease, Crichton, Crombie, Crowder, Cruikshanks, Cumine, Cunningham, Curre, Curry, Cuttler, Darling, Davidson, Dawson, Daykins, Deas, Dempster, Dewar, Dick, Dickieson, Dickinson, Dickison, Dickson, Dixon, Dodds, Dods, Donaldson, Doubleday, Douglas, Drysdale, Duggan, Dunbar, Duncan, Duns, Dunse, Eccles, Edgar, Edgley, Edington, Elliot, Erskine, Everett, Ewart, Ewing, Fair, Fairbairn, Falconer, Farnington, Farrow, Ferguson, Fielding, Fife, Fleming, Flint, Forbes, Ford, Foreman, Forrest, Forsyth, Fraser, Frater, Frazer, Frost, Fulton, Galbraith, Gardiner, Garstin, Garven, Gaskell, Gavin, Gibb, Gibson, Gilbert, Gillie, Gillies, Golightly, Gopel, Gordon, Graham, Gray, Greak, Greene, Greenlaw, Grieve, Guthrie, Haig, Hair, Hall, Hamilton, Hastie, Hatelie, Hately, Hay, Heatley, Heatlie, Henderson, Henry, Heron, Hewit, Hill, Hillston, Hislop, Hogg, Holiwell, Hollis, Holyday, Holywell, Home, Hood, Horn, Houlison, Houliston, Houston, Howe, Howman, Hudson, Hume, Hunter, Hurst, Idington, Imhof, Ingles, Inglis, Irvine, Jack, Jaffery, Jameson, Jamieson, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Kay, Ker, Kerr, King, Kinghorn, Kirkwood, Kitson, Knight, Knox, Lackenby, Lamb, Lamont, Landale, Landells, Landels, Landles, Lauder, Laurie, Lawrie, Lawson, Learmonth, Leitch, Leith, Leslie, Liddel, Liddell, Liddle, Lidster, Liel, Lillie, Lilly, Lisney, Lockie, Logan, Longstaff, Lorain, Lorrain, Lowrey, Lugton, Luke, Lunan, Lynn, Mabbott, Mabon, Machin, Mack, Mackenzie, Maddison, Mann, Marshall, Martin, Masey, Mason, Mavin, Maxwell, May, Mccrie, Mccullagh, Mcfarlane, Mcguffog, Mcleod, Mcwatt, Meiklejohn, Melrose, Menzies, Merlet, Mickle, Middlemiss, Millar, Miller, Milliken, Mitchelson, Mitchill, Moffat, Moffet, Moncrieff, Montgomerie, Moore, Morris, Morson, Moscrop, Mundie, Murray, Neilson, Newbigging, Nicholson, Nicolson, Nisbet, Nitsche, Norris, Ogg, Oliver, Ord, Park, Paterson, Patterson, Paxton, Peacock, Pearson, Peat, Penny, Pirie, Pottinger, Preston, Pringle, Proverbs, Purves, Queen, Rae, Ralston, Rankin, Readdie, Redford, Redpath, Renton, Richardson, Robertson, Robinson, Romain, Ross, Rouen, Russel, Russell, Rutherford, Sanderson, Sandilands, Sandys-lumsdaine, Scarth, Scott, Scoular, Sedgley, Seton, Sharp, Shaw, Shearman, Sheffeild, Shelton, Shiel, Sidey, Simenton, Simpson, Sligh, Smith, Snodgrass, Spence, Spencer, Spiers, Squire, Stanley, Steel, Steep, Stenson, Stephenson, Stevenson, Steveson, Stevinson, Stewart, Stirling, Stivenson, Stodart, Stoddart, Storey, Strachen, Sunderland, Swan, Swine, Symington, Tait, Taylor, Thatcher, Thompson, Thomson, Tibes, Tipper, Tod, Todd, Took, Tooney, Torrie, Trench, Trotter, Tuck, Turnbull, Utterson, Vallentyne, Virtue, Waddel, Wait, Waite, Waldie, Walkinshaw, Wate, Watherston, Watson, Watt, Weatherburn, Weatherhead, Webster, Weir, Wells, White, Whitehead, Whitelaw, Whitsom, Wight, Wigton, Wilkinson, Wilson, Winter, Wishart, Wolfe, Wood, Wyber, Yeoman, Young.
We are indebted to earlier writers without whose efforts; many inscriptions and descriptions of stones would have been lost. Many of the stones erected before 1855 at the parish church were recorded in 1970 but have worn extensively and some have completely disappeared.
Much of the recording work was done on a training weekend held in Duns last summer, and we thank all those volunteers for their efforts.
The CD costs £9 plus postage. To buy a copy of this CD or the Dunse Barony Records book, please contact Mary Thomson on our Contacts page using the contact type Order for Publications.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
findmypast.co.uk Announces Fully Indexed Birth Records for England and Wales
In today's newsletter from findmypast.co.uk, they announced that we can now search fully indexed birth records for 1837 to 2006 on findmypast.co.uk.
This is a great improvement in looking through all those index pages and brings births from England and Wales nearly up to the Scottish standard.
You can search the complete set of birth records in one go or by one or more counties at a time.
I found that searching for a common name sometimes resulted in the website failing to respond so perhaps they're having teething problems or they're just overloaded.
You can choose whether you want to search for variants of first names and surnames, search for a range of years, by mother's maiden name.
There are a few oddities.
I searched for a double barrelled surname Zentler-Gordon with first name Robert (no variants) born between 1940 and 1950, which produced 86 results including lots with the surname of Gordon by itself. Searching for Zentler with first name Robert (no variants) born between 1940 and 1950 produced just 1 result of Robert Zentler-Gordon.
I searched for first name Voltaire surname Lowe (no variants on either), which produced 399 results but all 8 pages listed un-named male and female Lowes.
I changed the surname on this search to Praseodymium-Lowe, and got the same 399 results which seems to indicate that the first part is being ignored.
As I expected there are no people with the surname Praseodymium.
They're in the process of fully indexing the marriage and death records too, and expect to complete that by the end of the year.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
This is a great improvement in looking through all those index pages and brings births from England and Wales nearly up to the Scottish standard.
You can search the complete set of birth records in one go or by one or more counties at a time.
I found that searching for a common name sometimes resulted in the website failing to respond so perhaps they're having teething problems or they're just overloaded.
You can choose whether you want to search for variants of first names and surnames, search for a range of years, by mother's maiden name.
There are a few oddities.
I searched for a double barrelled surname Zentler-Gordon with first name Robert (no variants) born between 1940 and 1950, which produced 86 results including lots with the surname of Gordon by itself. Searching for Zentler with first name Robert (no variants) born between 1940 and 1950 produced just 1 result of Robert Zentler-Gordon.
I searched for first name Voltaire surname Lowe (no variants on either), which produced 399 results but all 8 pages listed un-named male and female Lowes.
I changed the surname on this search to Praseodymium-Lowe, and got the same 399 results which seems to indicate that the first part is being ignored.
As I expected there are no people with the surname Praseodymium.
They're in the process of fully indexing the marriage and death records too, and expect to complete that by the end of the year.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
200th anniversary of the death of Dr John Leyden
August 2011 sees the 200th anniversary of the death of Dr John Leyden, the famous poet and Orientalist from Denholm in the Scottish Borders.
Dr Leyden was a great friend of Sir Walter Scott and it is said that after his death, Scott could never talk about Leyden without a tear in his eye. He really appears to have been a most remarkable man.
Over the next year, one of our members, Marjorie Gavin, who has served our Society both as Editor and as Chairman, and has transcribed births, marriages and deaths overseas from the Hawick Advertiser and Kelso Mail, hopes to visit as many groups and organisations as possible to talk about the life and achievements of the great Dr Leyden whose story deserves to be more widely known.
If you have any memorabilia or documents relating to Dr John Leyden that might assist her in this task please contact her by sending her a private message in our forum or replying to her forum topic.
More about Dr Leyden is in one of Marjorie's articles, The Life and Family of Dr. John Leyden.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
Dr Leyden was a great friend of Sir Walter Scott and it is said that after his death, Scott could never talk about Leyden without a tear in his eye. He really appears to have been a most remarkable man.
Over the next year, one of our members, Marjorie Gavin, who has served our Society both as Editor and as Chairman, and has transcribed births, marriages and deaths overseas from the Hawick Advertiser and Kelso Mail, hopes to visit as many groups and organisations as possible to talk about the life and achievements of the great Dr Leyden whose story deserves to be more widely known.
If you have any memorabilia or documents relating to Dr John Leyden that might assist her in this task please contact her by sending her a private message in our forum or replying to her forum topic.
More about Dr Leyden is in one of Marjorie's articles, The Life and Family of Dr. John Leyden.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
New Monumental Inscriptions volume for Innerleithen, Peeblesshire
We’re pleased to report that we have just published another new Monumental Inscriptions volume on CD, this time for Innerleithen in Peeblesshire; the compiling of which has been a mammoth task.
The first record of a parish church in the parish of Innerleithen was during the mid 12th century when Malcolm IV gave the church to the monks of Kelso. He later granted the right of refuge to the church after the body of his young son, drowned in the River Tweed, was carried there and lay in the church overnight.
In the early 1700s, Innerleithen was a village of a few thatched cottages close to the church, all built in the narrow haugh between Pirn Craig and Lee Pen.
The discovery of the mineral water springs on Lee Pen, together with a visit from Robert Burns in 1787, made Innerleithen a popular destination. Alexander Brodie, a native of Traquair, and a blacksmith to trade, had been successful in the iron industry in Shropshire and was acquainted with the Dumfriesshire born engineer, Thomas Telford. He used his wealth to build a mill in Innerleithen in 1791. The population of the parish was under 600 at the time and provided a pool of workers for his mill, while the farmers in the district, provided the wool. It was the ample supply of clean water from the Leithen and the Tweed that allowed the growth of the textile industry and the subsequent growth in population in the village of Innerleithen and the building of the new village at the Walker Burn.
By 1881, the population in the parish had grown to over 3,600 with more than 1,000 living in the village of Walkerburn.
The building of churches, within the town, mirrored the growth in the population. The parish church at Kirklands was built in 1791. Between 1844 and 1879, St John's Free Church in Horsburgh St, the United Free Presbyterian Church in Princes Street, the Second Free Presbyterian Church in Pirn Road, the Congregational Church and the St James Roman Catholic Church in the High Street, and the new parish church were erected.
This volume on CD comprises a plan of Innerleithen in 1849, historical notes on Innerleithen parish, transcription of the Poll Tax of 1694 which lists 264 people including many couples, a list of the ministers of Innerleithen and Walkerburn churches, plans of Kirklands in Leithen Road and Traquair Road cemetery, interments in the Old Kirkyard, inscriptions on over 1200 gravestones in Kirklands and Traquair Road cemetery, photographs of all the gravestones, Innerleithen War Memorial, Walkerburn War Memorial, rolls of honour and other memorials, an obituary of Nannie Kirk, the Pipers Grave, list of Standard Bearers, as well as indexes of the surnames in the Poll Tax and the gravestone inscriptions.
There are almost 800 different surnames included in the inscriptions on the gravestones, and they are: Aaronson, Adam, Adams, Adamson, Aiken, Ainslie, Aird, Aitchison, Aithie, Aitken, Alexander, Allan, Amos, Anderson, Angus, Archibald, Armstrong, Arthur, Atkinson, Austin, Baigrie, Baillie, Bain, Ballantyne, Banks, Bannatyne, Baptie, Barber, Barbour, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barrie, Bastianelli, Baxter, Bean, Beattie, Beck, Becker, Bell, Bennett, Berridge, Berry, Bertram, Beveridge, Bewsey, Biggar, Binnie, Birch, Birnie, Bishop, Bisset, Bissett, Blackie, Blacklaw, Blair, Blake, Blakie, Bly, Blyth, Blythe, Booth, Borthwick, Bowie, Boyd, Bradford, Braidwood, Branston, Brett, Bridgeford, Broadfoot, Broadley, Brockie, Brodie, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Brunton, Bryce, Brydone, Buchan, Buchanan, Bulloch, Burnett, Burns, Bursby, Burton, Butters, Cadenhead, Cairncross, Cairns, Calder, Caldwell, Cambridge, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carrie, Cattanach, Chalmers, Chapman, Cherry, Cheyne, Chisholm, Chisholme, Christie, Christison, Cieszynski, Clapperton, Clark, Clarke, Cleghorn, Clifford, Clive, Cluggie, Clyde, Cochrane, Cockburn, Coia, Collier, Collins, Colquhoun, Condie, Connelly, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooksey, Cornish, Cornwall, Corsie, Cossar, Cotter, Coulthard, Couper, Cowan, Cowe, Cowen, Cox, Coyle, Craig, Crainiey, Cranston, Crawford, Crichton, Crombie, Crosbie, Crozier, Cuerden, Cumming, Cummings, Cunningham, Currie, Dalgleish, Dalgliesh, Dalling, Darling, Davidson, Davies, Dawidziak, Dawson, Deans, Dempster, Denver, Devine, Dewar, Dewhurst, Dick, Dickison, Dickson, Dobie, Dobson, Docherty, Dodd, Doherty, Doig, Donald, Donaldson, Douglas, Dryden, Drysdale, Duffy, Dunn, Dyer, Easson, Easton, Eaton, Eckford, Eddy, Elder, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Erskine, Euman, Evans, Fairbairn, Fairfull, Fairgrieve, Fairley, Falconer, Farnie, Farrant, Faulds, Fayrer, Featherston, Ferguson, Finlayson, Finnie, Finugane, Fionda, Fishburn, Fisher, Fleming, Flett, Flynn, Foot, Ford, Forrest, Forrester, Forsyth, Foster, Frame, Fraser, French, Frizzel, Fullarton, Fulton, Galbraith, Gallocher, Galloway, Gardner, Garrett, Gasson, Gdula, Geddes, Gerrard, Gerry, Gibb, Gibson, Giegerich, Gilchrist, Gill, Gillespie, Gillon, Gilroy, Glass, Glendinning, Goldie, Goodfellow, Gordon, Goskirk, Goudie, Gow, Gowans, Graham, Granger, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenwood, Gregor, Greig, Grierson, Grieve, Hackett, Haig, Hailstone, Halapup, Halkett, Hall, Hamilton, Hammell, Hannah, Hannestad, Harbottle, Hardie, Hare, Harkes, Harkess, Harris, Harrold, Harrower, Hart, Harvey, Haston, Hawley, Hay, Heaney, Heath, Heatlie, Hegarty, Henderson, Hendry, Henry, Henshaw, Herbertson, Heuch, Hewitson, Highland, Hill, Hinshelwood, Hislop, Hobson, Hodge, Hogg, Hojda, Holt, Honeyman, Hook, Hooper, Hope, Horsburgh, Howie, Howieson, Howitt, Hume, Hunnam, Hunter, Husband, Hutcheson, Hutchison, Hutton, Hymers, Hyslop, Imrie, Inch, Ingles, Inglis, Ingram, Inman, Innes, Irvine, Irving, Jack, Jackson, Jamieson, Jardine, Jarvis, Jeffrey, Jenkinson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Kane, Kasperczyk, Keddie, Keith, Kelly, Kennedy, Kerr, Ketchen, Ketchin, Keyden, Kidd, King, Kinnear, Kinnon, Kinross, Kippie, Kirk, Knox, Kolodziej, Kruger, Kurowski, Kurys, Kydd, Kyle, Laidlaw, Laing, Lamb, Lambert, Landers, Lauder, Laurie, Lawson, Lawton, Learmond, Learmonth, Leask, Lees, Leithead, Lennie, Leonard, Leslie, Lessel, Lewis, Liddle, Lindsay, Linton, Little, Livingston, Lloyd, Lockhart, Lockie, Logan, Lorimar, Lorimer, Lothian, Lowrie, Lumsden, Lunn, Lyle, Lynn, Maben, Macadam, Macalister, Macartney, Macdiarmid, Macdonald, Macdougall, Macfarlane, Macgregor, Mack, Mackay, Mackenzie, Mackinnon, Mackintosh, Maclellan, Macleod, Macnaught, Macnaughton, Macqueen, Maguire, Maher, Main, Mair, Makin, Malcolm, Manson, Marjoriebanks, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mastalerz, Mathie, Mathieson, Mathison, Matthews, Maul, Maule, Mcadam, Mcbeath, Mccaig, Mccall, Mccallum, Mcclune, Mcclure, Mccormack, Mccormick, Mccowan, Mccrorie, Mccutcheon, Mcdonald, Mcdougall, Mcdowell, Mcewan, Mcfadzean, Mcgill, Mcginley, Mcginn, Mcglashan, Mcglasson, Mcgovern, Mcgowan, Mcgregor, Mcintosh, Mcintyre, Mckay, Mckean, Mckellar, Mckelvie, Mckenna, Mckie, Mckimmie, Mcknight, Mclaren, Mclauchlan, Mclean, Mclellan, Mcleman, Mclennan, Mcleod, Mcmichael, Mcmillan, Mcmorran, Mcmurchie, Mcmurdo, Mcnab, Mcnairn, Mcnaught, Mcnaughton, Mcnee, Mcnie, Mcpake, Mcphail, Mcpherson, Mcskimming, Mcteir, Mcwhirter, Meail, Meikle, Mellross, Melrose, Melville, Menzies, Mercer, Michie, Middlemas, Middlemist, Millar, Miller, Miller-thomas, Mills, Milne, Milns, Mirtle, Mitchelhill, Mitchell, Moffat, Molus, Montgomery, Moon, Moore, Morison, Moritz, Morrice, Morris, Morrise, Morrison, Mortan, Morton, Motion, Mowat, Mowatt, Muir, Muirhead, Mungai, Munro, Murray, Myers, Myles, Nairn, Naylor, Naysmith, Neil, Neilson, Nelson, Newall, Newlands, Nichol, Nicholson, Nicol, Nimmo, Nisbet, Nisbett, Noble, Norman, Norris, Norval, Notman, Oliphant, Oliver, Ormiston, Ostrowski, Overend, Owen, Page, Paisley, Pajak, Palmer, Panter, Park, Parker, Parson, Paterson, Paton, Patterson, Paxton, Payne, Pearce, Peat, Peden, Pederson, Pendrich, Pennel, Pentland, Percy, Phaup, Philip, Phillips, Philp, Pickles, Plastow, Poll, Porteous, Potts, Pow, Pownall, Preston, Pretsell, Pringle, Prosser, Proudfoot, Purslow, Purves, Purvis, Pyrzyk, Rae, Raeburn, Ralston, Ramage, Ramsay, Ramsey, Rangecroft, Rathie, Rawbon, Readman, Redpath, Reid, Rendle, Rennie, Renton, Renwick, Richardson, Rickettes, Riddell, Riddle, Ridgway, Ritchie, Roberts, Robertson, Robson, Rodger, Rosie, Ross, Rowntree, Roxburgh, Roy, Ruickbie, Russell, Rutherford, Rydak, Salton, Samuel, Sandeman, Sanderson, Sandiland, Sands, Schofield, Scot, Scott, Scougal, Scougall, Scullion, Sewart, Seymour, Shand, Shanks, Sharland, Sharpe, Shaw, Shearer, Shearme, Shiel, Shiell, Shortreed, Sibbald, Silk, Simmons, Simpson, Sinclair, Sivewright, Sked, Slide, Slingsby, Smail, Small, Smart, Smeeth, Smelt, Smibert, Smith, Sneddon, Snowdon, Somers, Somerville, Sommerville, Soroka, Spence, Stalker, Stalkers, Stark, Stavert, Stebie, Stein, Stenhouse, Stephenson, Sterricks, Steuart, Stevenson, Stewart, Stirling, Stobie, Stoddart, Storie, Storrie, Strachan, Strasser, Strathie, Stroyan, Struthers, Strutthers, Stuart, Sudden, Sutherland, Swan, Swanston, Sword, Sykes, Taggart, Tait, Tarbet, Taylor, Telfer, Tempelton, Temple, Temporal, Tennant, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorburn, Tod, Todd, Todrick, Toulman, Townend, Trevor, Tucker, Tulloch, Tully, Turnbull, Turner, Turyk, Twining, Umpherston, Urquhart, Vallance, Varrie, Veitch, Vernon, Virtue, Waddell, Wagstaff, Waldie, Walker, Walkingshaw, Wallace, Wallis, Ward, Waters, Watson, Watt, Waugh, Weatherston, Weir, Weir, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whiteford, Whitehead, Whiteley, Whitson, Wight, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willison, Wilson, Winks, Winter, Winton, Wintrope, Wood, Wright, Wyper, Yeatts, Yorke, Young, Yuill-walker, Yule, Ziegler.
The CD costs £12 plus 51p for 2nd class UK postage.
In Innerleithen, you can get a copy at Smail’s Printing Works, alternatively, please contact Mary Thomson on our Contacts page using the contact type Order for Publications.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
The first record of a parish church in the parish of Innerleithen was during the mid 12th century when Malcolm IV gave the church to the monks of Kelso. He later granted the right of refuge to the church after the body of his young son, drowned in the River Tweed, was carried there and lay in the church overnight.
In the early 1700s, Innerleithen was a village of a few thatched cottages close to the church, all built in the narrow haugh between Pirn Craig and Lee Pen.
The discovery of the mineral water springs on Lee Pen, together with a visit from Robert Burns in 1787, made Innerleithen a popular destination. Alexander Brodie, a native of Traquair, and a blacksmith to trade, had been successful in the iron industry in Shropshire and was acquainted with the Dumfriesshire born engineer, Thomas Telford. He used his wealth to build a mill in Innerleithen in 1791. The population of the parish was under 600 at the time and provided a pool of workers for his mill, while the farmers in the district, provided the wool. It was the ample supply of clean water from the Leithen and the Tweed that allowed the growth of the textile industry and the subsequent growth in population in the village of Innerleithen and the building of the new village at the Walker Burn.
By 1881, the population in the parish had grown to over 3,600 with more than 1,000 living in the village of Walkerburn.
The building of churches, within the town, mirrored the growth in the population. The parish church at Kirklands was built in 1791. Between 1844 and 1879, St John's Free Church in Horsburgh St, the United Free Presbyterian Church in Princes Street, the Second Free Presbyterian Church in Pirn Road, the Congregational Church and the St James Roman Catholic Church in the High Street, and the new parish church were erected.
This volume on CD comprises a plan of Innerleithen in 1849, historical notes on Innerleithen parish, transcription of the Poll Tax of 1694 which lists 264 people including many couples, a list of the ministers of Innerleithen and Walkerburn churches, plans of Kirklands in Leithen Road and Traquair Road cemetery, interments in the Old Kirkyard, inscriptions on over 1200 gravestones in Kirklands and Traquair Road cemetery, photographs of all the gravestones, Innerleithen War Memorial, Walkerburn War Memorial, rolls of honour and other memorials, an obituary of Nannie Kirk, the Pipers Grave, list of Standard Bearers, as well as indexes of the surnames in the Poll Tax and the gravestone inscriptions.
There are almost 800 different surnames included in the inscriptions on the gravestones, and they are: Aaronson, Adam, Adams, Adamson, Aiken, Ainslie, Aird, Aitchison, Aithie, Aitken, Alexander, Allan, Amos, Anderson, Angus, Archibald, Armstrong, Arthur, Atkinson, Austin, Baigrie, Baillie, Bain, Ballantyne, Banks, Bannatyne, Baptie, Barber, Barbour, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barrie, Bastianelli, Baxter, Bean, Beattie, Beck, Becker, Bell, Bennett, Berridge, Berry, Bertram, Beveridge, Bewsey, Biggar, Binnie, Birch, Birnie, Bishop, Bisset, Bissett, Blackie, Blacklaw, Blair, Blake, Blakie, Bly, Blyth, Blythe, Booth, Borthwick, Bowie, Boyd, Bradford, Braidwood, Branston, Brett, Bridgeford, Broadfoot, Broadley, Brockie, Brodie, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Brunton, Bryce, Brydone, Buchan, Buchanan, Bulloch, Burnett, Burns, Bursby, Burton, Butters, Cadenhead, Cairncross, Cairns, Calder, Caldwell, Cambridge, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carrie, Cattanach, Chalmers, Chapman, Cherry, Cheyne, Chisholm, Chisholme, Christie, Christison, Cieszynski, Clapperton, Clark, Clarke, Cleghorn, Clifford, Clive, Cluggie, Clyde, Cochrane, Cockburn, Coia, Collier, Collins, Colquhoun, Condie, Connelly, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooksey, Cornish, Cornwall, Corsie, Cossar, Cotter, Coulthard, Couper, Cowan, Cowe, Cowen, Cox, Coyle, Craig, Crainiey, Cranston, Crawford, Crichton, Crombie, Crosbie, Crozier, Cuerden, Cumming, Cummings, Cunningham, Currie, Dalgleish, Dalgliesh, Dalling, Darling, Davidson, Davies, Dawidziak, Dawson, Deans, Dempster, Denver, Devine, Dewar, Dewhurst, Dick, Dickison, Dickson, Dobie, Dobson, Docherty, Dodd, Doherty, Doig, Donald, Donaldson, Douglas, Dryden, Drysdale, Duffy, Dunn, Dyer, Easson, Easton, Eaton, Eckford, Eddy, Elder, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Erskine, Euman, Evans, Fairbairn, Fairfull, Fairgrieve, Fairley, Falconer, Farnie, Farrant, Faulds, Fayrer, Featherston, Ferguson, Finlayson, Finnie, Finugane, Fionda, Fishburn, Fisher, Fleming, Flett, Flynn, Foot, Ford, Forrest, Forrester, Forsyth, Foster, Frame, Fraser, French, Frizzel, Fullarton, Fulton, Galbraith, Gallocher, Galloway, Gardner, Garrett, Gasson, Gdula, Geddes, Gerrard, Gerry, Gibb, Gibson, Giegerich, Gilchrist, Gill, Gillespie, Gillon, Gilroy, Glass, Glendinning, Goldie, Goodfellow, Gordon, Goskirk, Goudie, Gow, Gowans, Graham, Granger, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenwood, Gregor, Greig, Grierson, Grieve, Hackett, Haig, Hailstone, Halapup, Halkett, Hall, Hamilton, Hammell, Hannah, Hannestad, Harbottle, Hardie, Hare, Harkes, Harkess, Harris, Harrold, Harrower, Hart, Harvey, Haston, Hawley, Hay, Heaney, Heath, Heatlie, Hegarty, Henderson, Hendry, Henry, Henshaw, Herbertson, Heuch, Hewitson, Highland, Hill, Hinshelwood, Hislop, Hobson, Hodge, Hogg, Hojda, Holt, Honeyman, Hook, Hooper, Hope, Horsburgh, Howie, Howieson, Howitt, Hume, Hunnam, Hunter, Husband, Hutcheson, Hutchison, Hutton, Hymers, Hyslop, Imrie, Inch, Ingles, Inglis, Ingram, Inman, Innes, Irvine, Irving, Jack, Jackson, Jamieson, Jardine, Jarvis, Jeffrey, Jenkinson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Kane, Kasperczyk, Keddie, Keith, Kelly, Kennedy, Kerr, Ketchen, Ketchin, Keyden, Kidd, King, Kinnear, Kinnon, Kinross, Kippie, Kirk, Knox, Kolodziej, Kruger, Kurowski, Kurys, Kydd, Kyle, Laidlaw, Laing, Lamb, Lambert, Landers, Lauder, Laurie, Lawson, Lawton, Learmond, Learmonth, Leask, Lees, Leithead, Lennie, Leonard, Leslie, Lessel, Lewis, Liddle, Lindsay, Linton, Little, Livingston, Lloyd, Lockhart, Lockie, Logan, Lorimar, Lorimer, Lothian, Lowrie, Lumsden, Lunn, Lyle, Lynn, Maben, Macadam, Macalister, Macartney, Macdiarmid, Macdonald, Macdougall, Macfarlane, Macgregor, Mack, Mackay, Mackenzie, Mackinnon, Mackintosh, Maclellan, Macleod, Macnaught, Macnaughton, Macqueen, Maguire, Maher, Main, Mair, Makin, Malcolm, Manson, Marjoriebanks, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mastalerz, Mathie, Mathieson, Mathison, Matthews, Maul, Maule, Mcadam, Mcbeath, Mccaig, Mccall, Mccallum, Mcclune, Mcclure, Mccormack, Mccormick, Mccowan, Mccrorie, Mccutcheon, Mcdonald, Mcdougall, Mcdowell, Mcewan, Mcfadzean, Mcgill, Mcginley, Mcginn, Mcglashan, Mcglasson, Mcgovern, Mcgowan, Mcgregor, Mcintosh, Mcintyre, Mckay, Mckean, Mckellar, Mckelvie, Mckenna, Mckie, Mckimmie, Mcknight, Mclaren, Mclauchlan, Mclean, Mclellan, Mcleman, Mclennan, Mcleod, Mcmichael, Mcmillan, Mcmorran, Mcmurchie, Mcmurdo, Mcnab, Mcnairn, Mcnaught, Mcnaughton, Mcnee, Mcnie, Mcpake, Mcphail, Mcpherson, Mcskimming, Mcteir, Mcwhirter, Meail, Meikle, Mellross, Melrose, Melville, Menzies, Mercer, Michie, Middlemas, Middlemist, Millar, Miller, Miller-thomas, Mills, Milne, Milns, Mirtle, Mitchelhill, Mitchell, Moffat, Molus, Montgomery, Moon, Moore, Morison, Moritz, Morrice, Morris, Morrise, Morrison, Mortan, Morton, Motion, Mowat, Mowatt, Muir, Muirhead, Mungai, Munro, Murray, Myers, Myles, Nairn, Naylor, Naysmith, Neil, Neilson, Nelson, Newall, Newlands, Nichol, Nicholson, Nicol, Nimmo, Nisbet, Nisbett, Noble, Norman, Norris, Norval, Notman, Oliphant, Oliver, Ormiston, Ostrowski, Overend, Owen, Page, Paisley, Pajak, Palmer, Panter, Park, Parker, Parson, Paterson, Paton, Patterson, Paxton, Payne, Pearce, Peat, Peden, Pederson, Pendrich, Pennel, Pentland, Percy, Phaup, Philip, Phillips, Philp, Pickles, Plastow, Poll, Porteous, Potts, Pow, Pownall, Preston, Pretsell, Pringle, Prosser, Proudfoot, Purslow, Purves, Purvis, Pyrzyk, Rae, Raeburn, Ralston, Ramage, Ramsay, Ramsey, Rangecroft, Rathie, Rawbon, Readman, Redpath, Reid, Rendle, Rennie, Renton, Renwick, Richardson, Rickettes, Riddell, Riddle, Ridgway, Ritchie, Roberts, Robertson, Robson, Rodger, Rosie, Ross, Rowntree, Roxburgh, Roy, Ruickbie, Russell, Rutherford, Rydak, Salton, Samuel, Sandeman, Sanderson, Sandiland, Sands, Schofield, Scot, Scott, Scougal, Scougall, Scullion, Sewart, Seymour, Shand, Shanks, Sharland, Sharpe, Shaw, Shearer, Shearme, Shiel, Shiell, Shortreed, Sibbald, Silk, Simmons, Simpson, Sinclair, Sivewright, Sked, Slide, Slingsby, Smail, Small, Smart, Smeeth, Smelt, Smibert, Smith, Sneddon, Snowdon, Somers, Somerville, Sommerville, Soroka, Spence, Stalker, Stalkers, Stark, Stavert, Stebie, Stein, Stenhouse, Stephenson, Sterricks, Steuart, Stevenson, Stewart, Stirling, Stobie, Stoddart, Storie, Storrie, Strachan, Strasser, Strathie, Stroyan, Struthers, Strutthers, Stuart, Sudden, Sutherland, Swan, Swanston, Sword, Sykes, Taggart, Tait, Tarbet, Taylor, Telfer, Tempelton, Temple, Temporal, Tennant, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorburn, Tod, Todd, Todrick, Toulman, Townend, Trevor, Tucker, Tulloch, Tully, Turnbull, Turner, Turyk, Twining, Umpherston, Urquhart, Vallance, Varrie, Veitch, Vernon, Virtue, Waddell, Wagstaff, Waldie, Walker, Walkingshaw, Wallace, Wallis, Ward, Waters, Watson, Watt, Waugh, Weatherston, Weir, Weir, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whiteford, Whitehead, Whiteley, Whitson, Wight, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willison, Wilson, Winks, Winter, Winton, Wintrope, Wood, Wright, Wyper, Yeatts, Yorke, Young, Yuill-walker, Yule, Ziegler.
The CD costs £12 plus 51p for 2nd class UK postage.
In Innerleithen, you can get a copy at Smail’s Printing Works, alternatively, please contact Mary Thomson on our Contacts page using the contact type Order for Publications.
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Excerpts from the Braw Lads Procession, Galashiels, Scotland
A fine day on Saturday, 3rd July 2010, after the morning rain.
Surprisingly few people turned out to see the procession of more than 300 horses led by Galashiels Ex-Service Pipe Band down Channel St, Galashiels, though a lot were congregated in and outside the pubs near the War Memorial, at the corner of Market St and Bank St.
After the lead rider, the two riders are this year's Braw Lad, Greg Borthwick, and his Braw Lass, Katie Scott.
After the procession, you can see people congregating round the Burgh Chambers, and the War Memorial with its fine mounted rider statue.
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Surprisingly few people turned out to see the procession of more than 300 horses led by Galashiels Ex-Service Pipe Band down Channel St, Galashiels, though a lot were congregated in and outside the pubs near the War Memorial, at the corner of Market St and Bank St.
After the lead rider, the two riders are this year's Braw Lad, Greg Borthwick, and his Braw Lass, Katie Scott.
After the procession, you can see people congregating round the Burgh Chambers, and the War Memorial with its fine mounted rider statue.
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Historic Handwriting Workshop at the Hawick Heritage Hub
The Hawick Heritage Hub are running a workshop on reading old writing on Thursday 12th August, from 7 pm-8 pm.
Their poster says:
It's led by one of their archivists, and uses reproductions of real historical documents. The cost is £5 which includes printed handouts and reproductions.
I think this is likely to be popular, so book early, and in any case, no later than Thursday 5th August 2010 on 01450 360 699, or see their poster for their email address. Please mention that you saw it advertised on the Borders Family History Society blog.
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Their poster says:
- Discover how to read old handwriting
- Decipher Scottish 'secretary hand'
- No previous experience necessary
It's led by one of their archivists, and uses reproductions of real historical documents. The cost is £5 which includes printed handouts and reproductions.
I think this is likely to be popular, so book early, and in any case, no later than Thursday 5th August 2010 on 01450 360 699, or see their poster for their email address. Please mention that you saw it advertised on the Borders Family History Society blog.
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Friday, July 9, 2010
June 2010 Magazine Despatched
This is the first issue produced by our new editor, Ronald Morrison.
The covers are printed on yellow ('old gold') paper, but I've used a white background for contrast.
Contents include the Diary of James Alexander Sligh aged 18, the Chisholm Highland connection, and Maxwellheugh Cottage, notes on Longformacus.
If you have a article that you would like published, please contact Ronald,
using the contact type 'Contact the Magazine Editor' on our Contacts page.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
The covers are printed on yellow ('old gold') paper, but I've used a white background for contrast.
Contents include the Diary of James Alexander Sligh aged 18, the Chisholm Highland connection, and Maxwellheugh Cottage, notes on Longformacus.
If you have a article that you would like published, please contact Ronald,
using the contact type 'Contact the Magazine Editor' on our Contacts page.
To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Old Gala Club Goes to Work in the Mill
While I was in at Old Gala House, Galashiels today, I saw the Old Gala Club's exhibition, all about the textile mills in Gala, lots of photos of the mills, the machines used, and the processes.
The exhibition traces the history of the textile industry in Galashiels and there are a number of unusual artefacts on show. The locations of 23 mills are identified on a map in the exhibition.
Old Gala House, is in Scott Crescent, Galashiels, TD1 3JS, Scotland. Map.
Don't miss this exhibition, it finishes on Sunday, 18th July 2010. If you're there on a Thursday, pop in and see us, we're in the next room !
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The exhibition traces the history of the textile industry in Galashiels and there are a number of unusual artefacts on show. The locations of 23 mills are identified on a map in the exhibition.
Old Gala House, is in Scott Crescent, Galashiels, TD1 3JS, Scotland. Map.
Don't miss this exhibition, it finishes on Sunday, 18th July 2010. If you're there on a Thursday, pop in and see us, we're in the next room !
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From Ditch to Bastion - the history of Berwick’s famous walls and defences
The next Friday evening talk to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Berwick upon Tweed Record Office will take place on Friday 23rd July at 7.30 pm at Berwick Parish Centre, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 1DF, England. Map. It's next to Holy Trinity Church. Entrance is through the churchyard. The suggested car parking is near the Barracks and Wallace Green.
Jim Herbert will speak on From Ditch to Bastion, the history of Berwick’s famous walls and defences.
Everyone is welcome, whether you are a local resident or holidaymaker and admission is free.
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Jim Herbert will speak on From Ditch to Bastion, the history of Berwick’s famous walls and defences.
Everyone is welcome, whether you are a local resident or holidaymaker and admission is free.
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