Maxwell Ancestry have just published Selkirk Prison Index 1828-1840 (284 entries) at £4.99 plus postage. These records have lots of interesting information about the people who were in prison, including their offence and sentence, date of admission, by whom committed, name, sex, age, birthplace, residence, where spent greater part of their life, height, hair colour, eye colour, distinguishing marks etc., clean/dirty, drunk/sober, clothes good repair/ragged, direct from arrest or from another prison, if so which one, occupation, previous imprisonments, liberated without trial – when and by whose authority, tried – when and by whom, convicted or acquitted, sentence, liberated or removed after conviction – when, by whose authority, to what place, number of days in prison, conduct during confinement.
The surnames indexed are: Adams, Aitken, Allan, Amos, Anderson, Armary, Baillie, Baird, Ballantyne, Baptie, Beattie, Berrie, Black, Bogie, Bradly, Brash, Brown, Bruce, Campbell, Carruthers, Cavers, Chisholm, Clapperton, Clark, Cochrane, Coltherd, Cowan, Crawford, Cumming, Currer, Curror, Dacons, Dalgleish, Dalgliesh, Davidson, Dobie, Dodds, Douglas, Dryden, Dunlop, Elliot, Emond, Evat, Ewans, Fairbairn, Fairgrieve, Findlay, Fleming, Fletcher, Gill, Gillies, Glen, Govenlock, Graham, Gray, Green, Hallyday, Hanah, Hardie, Harrison, Hay, Heiton, Henderson, Heuchan, Hislop, Hogg, Hopkirk, Howden, Hume, Ingles, Inglis, Johnston, Johnstone, Laidlaw, Lawson, Leyden, Lillico, Macally, Maccan, Mackay, Mackinnon, Mackintosh, Macpherson, Marshall, Martin, Mathewson, McIntosh, Melross, Mercer, Miller, Milloy, Mills, Minto, Mitchell, Moffat, Muir, Murray, Nicol, Oliver, Ormestone, Ormiston, Orr, Paterson, Philip, Pringle, Rae, Reid, Renton, Renwick, Riddell, Rieve, Robertson, Rodger, Russell, Scott, Shearer, Short, Smail, Smith, Stewart, Stoddart, Straigin, Thomson, Turnbull, Vaire, Walker, Watson, Welsh, White, Williamson, Willieson, Wilson, Wintrope, Young, Yous.
Their previously published volume, Selkirk Prison Index 1853-1878, (about 3,000 entries) is also available at £11.99 plus postage.
These booklets can be purchased directly from us via our Contacts page using the contact type ‘Order for Publications’.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
AddressingHistory Launch Event, Edinburgh - 17th November
I attended this event today at the National Library of Scotland. There were 30-40 other people there, some professional genealogists, some staff, some from heritage organisations interested in using data, some from family history organisations, some social historians, and other individuals.
For me it was an exciting and interesting afternoon and gave me lots of ideas for ways that we might be able to analyse poor law data, wages, allowances paid, and the 19th century police and criminal records data being researched.
I hadn't realised that the National Library of Scotland has been digitising documents for over 10 years, and Cate Newton (Director of Collections and Research) mentioned some digitised collections that I think it would be interesting to explore further.
Professor Robert Morris introduced the AddressingHistory project and made the point that the website although launched today is very much a beta site - there is a lot of work to be done in cleaning and correcting data, and conducting testing. He pointed out that the Post Office directories have varied data structures, however that's not fully reflected in the website data. He estimated that a lot of the directory entries have not been converted into the correct text, which is a very common problem when using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and is a reason why searches may fail. Result listings are generated from a Google search of the address field, which may contain both a business address and a private address, or have some other aspect to it containing the search term.
Stuart Macdonald (AddressingHistory Project Manager, EDINA) told us about the management of the projects and that registered users of the site will have the opportunity to do crowd-sourcing.
Nicola Osborne (AddressingHistory Project Officer & Social Media Officer, EDINA) showed some guest blogs with ideas, and she wants suggestions for content and invites guest blogs. She asked us to tweet to #AHLaunch, and link to their Facebook page.
Professor Richard Rodger demonstrated the Visualising Urban Geography project with some exciting tools to analyse and present data.
Dr Helen Chisholm (EDINA) talked about the Statistical Accounts of Scotland – there are 28,000 digitised pages. There's both a free version (photos of the pages) and a paid for version whereby you can search for and download text. She invited us to put our favourite bits on their Facebook page.
Chris Fleet (Senior Map Curator, NLS) talked about Digitised Historic Mapping – and all the different ways that that data could be used.
Kenny Beaton (School Of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh) informed us about a newish website to be launched in December, which contains 50,000 audio tracks of prose, verse, and song, some in Gaelic and some in Scots.
The site is called both Tobar An Dualchais and Kist O' Riches.
Ines Mayfarth talked about the Internet Archive digitisation project to digitise Post Office directories; originally entirely separate from AddressingHistory. In contrast to my previous blog on AddressingHistory, 750 (not 400) Post Office directories have been digitised between the 1770s and 1911. The first 3 letters of surnames in the directories are in the process of being indexed and that is likely to be available in Autumn 2011.
Ines reminded us that the Post Office directories also contained other interesting information, timetables, ferry schedules, ads, as well as lots of other information.
Peter Burnhill (Director, EDINA) summarised the afternoon and we adjourned for drinks, nibbles and networking.
The whole proceedings were being videoed and presumably those videos will be online soon.
For me it was an exciting and interesting afternoon and gave me lots of ideas for ways that we might be able to analyse poor law data, wages, allowances paid, and the 19th century police and criminal records data being researched.
I hadn't realised that the National Library of Scotland has been digitising documents for over 10 years, and Cate Newton (Director of Collections and Research) mentioned some digitised collections that I think it would be interesting to explore further.
Professor Robert Morris introduced the AddressingHistory project and made the point that the website although launched today is very much a beta site - there is a lot of work to be done in cleaning and correcting data, and conducting testing. He pointed out that the Post Office directories have varied data structures, however that's not fully reflected in the website data. He estimated that a lot of the directory entries have not been converted into the correct text, which is a very common problem when using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and is a reason why searches may fail. Result listings are generated from a Google search of the address field, which may contain both a business address and a private address, or have some other aspect to it containing the search term.
Stuart Macdonald (AddressingHistory Project Manager, EDINA) told us about the management of the projects and that registered users of the site will have the opportunity to do crowd-sourcing.
Nicola Osborne (AddressingHistory Project Officer & Social Media Officer, EDINA) showed some guest blogs with ideas, and she wants suggestions for content and invites guest blogs. She asked us to tweet to #AHLaunch, and link to their Facebook page.
Professor Richard Rodger demonstrated the Visualising Urban Geography project with some exciting tools to analyse and present data.
Dr Helen Chisholm (EDINA) talked about the Statistical Accounts of Scotland – there are 28,000 digitised pages. There's both a free version (photos of the pages) and a paid for version whereby you can search for and download text. She invited us to put our favourite bits on their Facebook page.
Chris Fleet (Senior Map Curator, NLS) talked about Digitised Historic Mapping – and all the different ways that that data could be used.
Kenny Beaton (School Of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh) informed us about a newish website to be launched in December, which contains 50,000 audio tracks of prose, verse, and song, some in Gaelic and some in Scots.
The site is called both Tobar An Dualchais and Kist O' Riches.
Ines Mayfarth talked about the Internet Archive digitisation project to digitise Post Office directories; originally entirely separate from AddressingHistory. In contrast to my previous blog on AddressingHistory, 750 (not 400) Post Office directories have been digitised between the 1770s and 1911. The first 3 letters of surnames in the directories are in the process of being indexed and that is likely to be available in Autumn 2011.
Ines reminded us that the Post Office directories also contained other interesting information, timetables, ferry schedules, ads, as well as lots of other information.
Peter Burnhill (Director, EDINA) summarised the afternoon and we adjourned for drinks, nibbles and networking.
The whole proceedings were being videoed and presumably those videos will be online soon.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Eyemouth United Secession Church Parish Register Transcriptions 1841-61
Maxwell Ancestry have just published Eyemouth United Secession Church parish register transcriptions 1841-61 at £4.99 plus postage. This contains baptisms, and 3 marriages. If you have ancestors who lived in or were associated with Eyemouth, they might have worshipped at this church.
The surnames indexed are: Aitchison; Alexander, Anderson, Blackhall, Brack, Brodie, Bryce, Bugless, Burgan, Burgon, Clark, Cockburn, Collons, Craig, Crawford, Deepie, Dickson, Dippie, Dodds, Dougal, Dudgeon, Eddington, Edgar, Fairbairn, Fernside, Ford, Forest, Fortune, Fourtun, Fraser, Gibson, Gillies, Girling, Gray, Grosert, Grozertt, Henderson, Jerdan, Jhonston, Johnston, Johnstone, Leith, Maltman, Millar, Nesbit, Nisbet, Paterson, Paxton, Pearson, Reid, Robertson, Sathem, Scott, Scugal, Sinton, Stott, Tait, Wait, Watt, White, Whyte, Windram, Young.
This booklet can be purchased directly from us via our Contacts page using the contact type ‘Order for Publications’.
The surnames indexed are: Aitchison; Alexander, Anderson, Blackhall, Brack, Brodie, Bryce, Bugless, Burgan, Burgon, Clark, Cockburn, Collons, Craig, Crawford, Deepie, Dickson, Dippie, Dodds, Dougal, Dudgeon, Eddington, Edgar, Fairbairn, Fernside, Ford, Forest, Fortune, Fourtun, Fraser, Gibson, Gillies, Girling, Gray, Grosert, Grozertt, Henderson, Jerdan, Jhonston, Johnston, Johnstone, Leith, Maltman, Millar, Nesbit, Nisbet, Paterson, Paxton, Pearson, Reid, Robertson, Sathem, Scott, Scugal, Sinton, Stott, Tait, Wait, Watt, White, Whyte, Windram, Young.
This booklet can be purchased directly from us via our Contacts page using the contact type ‘Order for Publications’.
AddressingHistory - Finding Individuals and Professionals in Post Office Directories on Maps
I'm not often so impressed.
The beta search site from AddressingHistory, a partnership between EDINA and the National Library of Scotland using materials already digitised, is an online tool aimed at a broad range of users, both within and outwith academia (particularly local history groups and genealogists), to combine data from digitised historical Scottish Post Office directories with contemporaneous historical maps.
The project will focus on three eras of Edinburgh mapping and Post Office directories (1784-5, 1865, 1905-6) however the technologies demonstrated will eventually include the National Library of Scotland's full collection of digitised materials including 400 directories and associated maps covering the whole of Scotland.
The online tool currently allows you to search by surname, place or profession within a specific Scottish Post Office directory for Edinburgh and Leith. You can choose whether to have overlays of maps by Alexander Kincaid, 1784; Bartholomew Post Office Plan, 1865; Johnston Post Office Plan, 1905.
In this example, I searched for doctors for the 1865 directory and got this great image,
which I can move around, zoom into and out of. The map is followed by a listing of the search results (in this case, 116 doctors), and there's a blue kite-shaped pin for each result. Hovering over a pin shows the name of the associated individual. I can click on an individual result and see the corresponding page from the Post Office directory. Most of the doctors are in and around the New Town area, with a few around the University of Edinburgh, and on the road down to Leith, and that's surprising; I expected that the doctors would have been dispersed over a wider area.
Try the AddressingHistory site yourself.
There's a launch event in Edinburgh on Wednesday 17th November with a packed half day of talks and demonstrations at the National Library of Scotland (NLS):
• Welcome – Cate Newton (Director of Collections and Research, NLS)
• Introduction – Professor Robert Morris (Emeritus Professor of Economic and Social History , University of Edinburgh)
• AddressingHistory presentation and launch – Stuart Macdonald (AddressingHistory Project Manager, EDINA) & Nicola Osborne (AddressingHistory Project Officer & Social Media Officer, EDINA))
• Visualising Urban Geography project – Professor Richard Rodger (Professor of Economic and Social History, University of Edinburgh)
• Statistical Accounts of Scotland – Dr Helen Chisholm (EDINA)
• NLS Digitised Historic Mapping – Chris Fleet (Senior Map Curator, NLS)
• Tobar An Dualchais – Kenny Beaton (School Of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh)
• Internet Archive digitisation project(s) – Lee Hibberd /Ines Mayfarth (NLS)
• Wrap Up followed by demonstrations
There will be videos of the speakers online after the event.
(With thanks to Scottish Genes for making me aware of the event)
The beta search site from AddressingHistory, a partnership between EDINA and the National Library of Scotland using materials already digitised, is an online tool aimed at a broad range of users, both within and outwith academia (particularly local history groups and genealogists), to combine data from digitised historical Scottish Post Office directories with contemporaneous historical maps.
The project will focus on three eras of Edinburgh mapping and Post Office directories (1784-5, 1865, 1905-6) however the technologies demonstrated will eventually include the National Library of Scotland's full collection of digitised materials including 400 directories and associated maps covering the whole of Scotland.
The online tool currently allows you to search by surname, place or profession within a specific Scottish Post Office directory for Edinburgh and Leith. You can choose whether to have overlays of maps by Alexander Kincaid, 1784; Bartholomew Post Office Plan, 1865; Johnston Post Office Plan, 1905.
In this example, I searched for doctors for the 1865 directory and got this great image,
which I can move around, zoom into and out of. The map is followed by a listing of the search results (in this case, 116 doctors), and there's a blue kite-shaped pin for each result. Hovering over a pin shows the name of the associated individual. I can click on an individual result and see the corresponding page from the Post Office directory. Most of the doctors are in and around the New Town area, with a few around the University of Edinburgh, and on the road down to Leith, and that's surprising; I expected that the doctors would have been dispersed over a wider area.
Try the AddressingHistory site yourself.
There's a launch event in Edinburgh on Wednesday 17th November with a packed half day of talks and demonstrations at the National Library of Scotland (NLS):
• Welcome – Cate Newton (Director of Collections and Research, NLS)
• Introduction – Professor Robert Morris (Emeritus Professor of Economic and Social History , University of Edinburgh)
• AddressingHistory presentation and launch – Stuart Macdonald (AddressingHistory Project Manager, EDINA) & Nicola Osborne (AddressingHistory Project Officer & Social Media Officer, EDINA))
• Visualising Urban Geography project – Professor Richard Rodger (Professor of Economic and Social History, University of Edinburgh)
• Statistical Accounts of Scotland – Dr Helen Chisholm (EDINA)
• NLS Digitised Historic Mapping – Chris Fleet (Senior Map Curator, NLS)
• Tobar An Dualchais – Kenny Beaton (School Of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh)
• Internet Archive digitisation project(s) – Lee Hibberd /Ines Mayfarth (NLS)
• Wrap Up followed by demonstrations
There will be videos of the speakers online after the event.
(With thanks to Scottish Genes for making me aware of the event)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Pinkie Cleugh Battlefield Walk
To accompany the Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Archaeology Conference 2010 there is a guided walk around the battlefield of Pinkie Cleugh on Sunday 21st November just outside Musselburgh. The battle of Pinkie Cleugh was fought on 10 September 1547 along the banks of the River Esk near Musselburgh and was part of Henry VIII's ‘Rough Wooing’ for the hand of Queen Mary in marriage to his son, Edward VI, and thus unification of England and Scotland; and a disaster for Scotland caused by the use of naval artillery by the English for the first time in a land battle in Scotland. More information from Andrew Coulson on 0131 665 3779.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Archaeology Conference 2010
I just picked up a leaflet about this conference at Galashiels Library yesterday.
This is an annual conference organised by the City of Edinburgh Council, East Lothian Council and Scottish Borders Council. It provides an opportunity to hear and discuss first hand accounts of the archaeological fieldwork and research being undertaken in south-east Scotland.
It's a very interesting programme.
0900 - 0930 Registration, tea & coffee
0930 - 0935 Welcome: (Scottish Borders Council)
0935 - 1000 The Lewisvale Park Roman Altars
John Gooder (AOC Archaeology Group)
1000 - 1025 The Lost Northumbrian Cross of Jedburgh:
An Anglo-Saxon Cross Base in the Scottish Borders
Dr Christopher Bowles (Scottish Borders Council)
1025 - 1035 Discussion
1035 - 1105 COFFEE/TEA BREAK
1105 - 1130 St Andrews Kirk, Gullane: A facelift for a Norman Church
Bill Nimmo (Gullane and Dirleton History Society) and
Diana Sproat (AOC Archaeology Group)
1130 - 1155 Medieval grave-slabs at Temple
Ian Fraser (RCAHMS)
1155 - 1220 A line through Edinburgh: Edinburgh Trams the story so far
John A Lawson (CECAS)
1220 - 1245 Discussion
1245 - 1345 LUNCH
1345 - 1410 Revisiting Roxburgh: Creating a 3D GIS
Piers Dixon (RCAHMS)
1410 - 1435 Clues to the Past: The Eddleston Parish Project
Trevor Cowie (Peeblesshire Archaeological Society)
1435 - 1500 Tweed not Tweel: Textile production on the Teviot
Alistair Robertson (Headland Archaeology)
1500 - 1515 Discussion
1515 - 1545 COFFEE/TEA BREAK
1545 - 1610 POW’s, Soldiers or displaced persons: Excavations at Frogston Road
Camp, Edinburgh
Bruce Glendinning (CFA Archaeology)
1610 - 1635 The Portobello Potteries: New documentary and shard evidence
George Haggarty (NMS Research Fellow)
1635 - 1700 Discussion
It's on Saturday, November 20th (9am - 5pm) at the Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh (next to Musselburgh railway station).
Tickets £20 each, Concessions £12, Buffet Lunches can be pre-booked at £8.
More information.
This is an annual conference organised by the City of Edinburgh Council, East Lothian Council and Scottish Borders Council. It provides an opportunity to hear and discuss first hand accounts of the archaeological fieldwork and research being undertaken in south-east Scotland.
It's a very interesting programme.
0900 - 0930 Registration, tea & coffee
0930 - 0935 Welcome: (Scottish Borders Council)
0935 - 1000 The Lewisvale Park Roman Altars
John Gooder (AOC Archaeology Group)
1000 - 1025 The Lost Northumbrian Cross of Jedburgh:
An Anglo-Saxon Cross Base in the Scottish Borders
Dr Christopher Bowles (Scottish Borders Council)
1025 - 1035 Discussion
1035 - 1105 COFFEE/TEA BREAK
1105 - 1130 St Andrews Kirk, Gullane: A facelift for a Norman Church
Bill Nimmo (Gullane and Dirleton History Society) and
Diana Sproat (AOC Archaeology Group)
1130 - 1155 Medieval grave-slabs at Temple
Ian Fraser (RCAHMS)
1155 - 1220 A line through Edinburgh: Edinburgh Trams the story so far
John A Lawson (CECAS)
1220 - 1245 Discussion
1245 - 1345 LUNCH
1345 - 1410 Revisiting Roxburgh: Creating a 3D GIS
Piers Dixon (RCAHMS)
1410 - 1435 Clues to the Past: The Eddleston Parish Project
Trevor Cowie (Peeblesshire Archaeological Society)
1435 - 1500 Tweed not Tweel: Textile production on the Teviot
Alistair Robertson (Headland Archaeology)
1500 - 1515 Discussion
1515 - 1545 COFFEE/TEA BREAK
1545 - 1610 POW’s, Soldiers or displaced persons: Excavations at Frogston Road
Camp, Edinburgh
Bruce Glendinning (CFA Archaeology)
1610 - 1635 The Portobello Potteries: New documentary and shard evidence
George Haggarty (NMS Research Fellow)
1635 - 1700 Discussion
It's on Saturday, November 20th (9am - 5pm) at the Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh (next to Musselburgh railway station).
Tickets £20 each, Concessions £12, Buffet Lunches can be pre-booked at £8.
More information.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
James Sligh's Diary
One of the visitors to our stand at the family history conference in Livingston in April is the grandson of James Sligh, born 9th September 1863 in Selkirk, the son of David Sligh, whose grocer’s shop was at 12 Market Place, Selkirk. James had three older brothers, David, Thomas and Robert; and two older sisters, Agnes and Janet (known as Jessie). His mother’s maiden name was Thomson and her parents ran a bakery in Dalkeith. He was a keen churchgoer and Bible student. James' grandson has kindly sent us a transcription of James’ diary written in 1881, and has allowed us to make it available. James worked for the British Linen Bank (now part of the Bank of Scotland), and the end of his 4-year apprenticeship is recorded. There’s nothing of great importance in the diary, it is after all, an 18 year old’s diary; but there are a lot of personal names and some amusing incidents. He was a keen cyclist and often rode 60 miles a day on a ‘penny-farthing’ bicycle. Sometime after his apprenticeship he was transferred to the Queen St, Glasgow branch of the bank, and he spent the rest of his life in Glasgow. The diary transcript (25 A4 pages) is also available to read at our archive in Old Gala House, Galashiels. If you want to be put in touch with the donor, please contact us via our Contacts page using the contact type 'Contact the Webmaster'.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Free Access to World War 1 Military Records have announced that from Sunday 7th November until 14th November you can search and view the original historical documents from three British Army collections completely free. The collections are World War 1 Service Records, 1914–1920, World War 1 Pension Records, 1914-1920, World War 1 Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920.
Their website says:
British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920
The surviving service records of non-commissioned officers and other ranks who served in World War 1 and did not re-enlist in the Army prior to World War 2. With the final release, this database now contains the entire service records collection. The type of information contained in these records includes: name of solider, age, birthplace, occupation, marital status, and regiment number.
British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920
Service records of non-commissioned officers and other ranks who were discharged from the Army and claimed disability pensions for service in World War 1. These were also men who did not re-enlist in the Army prior to World War 2. The type of information contained in these records includes: name of solider, age, birthplace, occupation, marital status, and regiment number.
British Army WWI Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920
This database contains the Medal Rolls Index, or Medal Index Cards. The collection currently contains approximately 4.8 million people, which is nearly all of the total collection. The records can be searched by first and last name and Corps, Unit or Regiment.
It’s easy to search them, and you may find hidden gems. My father told me often that his uncle, Charles Golding, rode into Jerusalem immediately behind General Allenby during World War I. General Allenby was accepting the city’s submission from the Ottoman Empire ruler. I’ve found that Charles was a captain on the expeditionary force but I haven’t managed to check his role.
Their website says:
British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920
The surviving service records of non-commissioned officers and other ranks who served in World War 1 and did not re-enlist in the Army prior to World War 2. With the final release, this database now contains the entire service records collection. The type of information contained in these records includes: name of solider, age, birthplace, occupation, marital status, and regiment number.
British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920
Service records of non-commissioned officers and other ranks who were discharged from the Army and claimed disability pensions for service in World War 1. These were also men who did not re-enlist in the Army prior to World War 2. The type of information contained in these records includes: name of solider, age, birthplace, occupation, marital status, and regiment number.
British Army WWI Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920
This database contains the Medal Rolls Index, or Medal Index Cards. The collection currently contains approximately 4.8 million people, which is nearly all of the total collection. The records can be searched by first and last name and Corps, Unit or Regiment.
It’s easy to search them, and you may find hidden gems. My father told me often that his uncle, Charles Golding, rode into Jerusalem immediately behind General Allenby during World War I. General Allenby was accepting the city’s submission from the Ottoman Empire ruler. I’ve found that Charles was a captain on the expeditionary force but I haven’t managed to check his role.
Dr John Leyden, His Life and Family
In September 1775, in a thatched cottage overlooking Denholm Green, a young father proudly looked down on his first child, to be named John after his father and forefathers. At the time, neither of the parents, John Leyden nor his wife Isabel Scott, could have predicted the fascinating life ahead for their son - a life which was to see him master over 30 Oriental languages, become a minister, surgeon and naturalist, bring him fame as a poet and linguist and earn the respect, admiration and friendship of Sir Walter Scott and other eminent members of 19th century society before travelling to India and an untimely death in Java. A genius had been born - Dr John Leyden.
The title is the title of a talk to be given by Marjorie Gavin at Hawick Library, North Bridge Street, Hawick, TD9 9QT, Scotland on Tuesday 16th November at 7.15pm.
The title is the title of a talk to be given by Marjorie Gavin at Hawick Library, North Bridge Street, Hawick, TD9 9QT, Scotland on Tuesday 16th November at 7.15pm.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Melrose Poor Law Records
In Scotland, the Poor Law was the means of providing food, accommodation, financial assistance and, latterly, care to those in need from the late 16th century onwards. There was a new Poor Law Act in 1845, which created a huge variety of records covering details on those who applied for assistance in specific areas, case studies, details on inspectors and much, much more. In many respects it saw the beginnings of local government, as we know it today. We’ve been transcribing the most important information from applications for relief and registers of the poor after 1845 in association with the Hawick Heritage Hub.
Apart from the obvious interest to the local historian, the publications open up a new horizon for the genealogist, providing details on peoples’ movement between the censuses, descriptions of illnesses suffered, domestic circumstances and more. Uniquely, the records provide details on people not born in the Borders but who lived or died there.
Although most of the people receiving relief lived in Galashiels, Melrose, or elsewhere in the parish of Melrose, some lived in other Borders localities: Clovenfords, Grantshouse, Hawick, Jedburgh, Redpath, Selkirk, St Boswells; in other parts of Scotland: Biggar, Dundee, East Duddingston, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Joppa, Macmerry, Murthly, Stirling, Stonehaven; or in England: Balsall Heath, Bournemouth, Cumberland.
The list of birthplaces is much larger, most of the applicants were born in an astonishingly wide variety of places in Britain or Ireland, but some were born in Australia, Barbados, Canada, Germany, India, Malta, or USA.
The information transcribed comprises names, place of birth, age or date of birth, address, other family members, description of disablement, date of death, and there’s more information on the images themselves, including occupation, benefit received.
You can see details of many people between the censuses, women’s maiden surnames, family details often not shown in the census, religion, and disabilities; and find people who moved away from their birthplace. If your family has lived here for 3 generations but you don’t know where they came from, these records may help you.
The Society has published the Poor Law records Melrose Parish in 3 volumes, each volume on a CD.
Each CD has chapters on Melrose parish – the historical context, English and Scottish Poor Law history, how it worked, using the Poor Law records, Dingleton asylum, duties of inspectors of the poor, a map of Melrose parish and a railway map, and the index to the Poor Law Records images contained on the CD, illustrations in the text, and digital images of the records transcribed, most of which have additional information.
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Melrose Parish Poor Law Records Contents (1884-1930 volume) |
The 1871-1874 and the 1884-1930 volumes each cover over 760 named people, the 1875-1883 volume covers over 820 named people.
Their surnames comprise Adams, Agnew, Aikman, Ainslie, Aitchison, Aitken, Alister, Allan, Anderson, Archer, Archibald, Armit, Armstrong, Askew, Atkinson, Auchincloss, Baillie, Bain, Ballantyne, Balmer, Barron, Bates, Bathgate, Beattie, Bell, Bennet, Bennett, Berry, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blackhall, Blair, Blyth, Boa, Bogg, Booth, Borthwick, Boston, Bower, Boyd, Bradley, Bradshaw, Braidie, Braidy, Bremner, Broad, Brockie, Brodie, Brogan, Broomfield, Brotherstone, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Brunton, Bryce, Brydon, Buchanan, Buist, Bunyan, Burn, Burns, Burrell, Burton, Cairns, Callaghan, Cameron, Campbell, Carey, Carlysle, Carmichael, Carnachan, Carr, Carruthers, Carson, Cartmill, Cassidy, Cavers, Chambers, Chapman, Charleston, Cheyne, Chisholm, Christie, Clark, Cleaver, Cleghorn, Clemiston, Clifford, Close, Closky, Cochrane, Cockburn, Coldwell, Colledge, Collier, Coltart, Colvin, Common, Connar, Connel, Conner, Connor, Conolley, Cook, Corcoran, Cormick, Cossar, Coulter, Cowan, Cowe, Craig, Craise, Cranston, Craw, Crawford, Crines, Crooks, Crosbie, Crossan, Cruden, Cruickshank, Culbert, Culbertson, Cunningham, Curle, Curran, Currie, Cuthbert, D'Agrosa, Dalgetty, Dalgleish, Dalgliesh, Danes, Danoir, Danvir, Darling, Darrie, Davidson, Dawson, Deans, Develin, Dewar, Dick, Dickson, Dinnany, Dobie, Dobson, Docherty, Dodds, Dods, Donachan, Donald, Donaldson, Donelly, Dorey, Douglas, Dowie, Downs, Doyles, Drawhill, Drummond, Dryden, Duncan, Duncanson, Dunlop, Dunn, Duthie, Edenton, Edgar, Egan, Elder, Elliot, Emmonds, Enterkin, Faed, Fairbairn, Fairgrieve, Fairley, Fairnie, Falla, Feely, Ferguson, Fernie, Ferries, Fiddes, Field, Finlay, Finlayson, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Foggie, Foggs, Foley, Forbes, Ford, Forrest, Forson, Fortune, Fowler, Fraser, Frater, Freil, Friel, Fyfe, Galbraith, Gallocher, Galloway, Ganard, Ganyard, Garvie, Gavin, Gibson, Gilday, Gillespie, Gillies, Gillon, Gilmartin, Gilroy, Givan, Gladstone, Glen, Glover, Goldie, Goldsmith, Gordon, Gough, Graham, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenan, Grey, Grierson, Grieve, Griffen, Grossart, Grossert, Guthrie, Haig, Haldane, Haley, Hall, Halley, Halliday, Hally, Hamilton, Hanlon, Hannay, Hardie, Harkness, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Hawkins, Hay, Helam, Henderson, Hendry, Henry, Hepburn, Herson, Hill, Hillock, Hislop, Hoban, Hobkirk, Hodson, Hogarth, Hogg, Holmes, Hood, Hope, Houstler, Howard, Hoyle, Huggan, Hughes, Hunter, Hutton, Imrie, Ingles, Inglis, Innes, Instant, Ireland, Irvine, Jackson, Jamieson, Jardine, Jenkinson, Jerdan, Jobblin, Johnston, Johnstone, Jollie, Jones, Keddie, Kelly, Kemp, Kempsell, Kennedy, Kerr, Kiernan, Killin, King, Knox, Laidlaw, Lamond, Lanerd, Larkin, Lauder, Laurie, Law, Lawrie, Lawson, Lawton, Learmonth, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leishman, Leitch, Lennie, Lennox, Leonard, Leslie, Lessels, Lever, Lidster, Lillico, Lillie, Lindsay, Lines, Linton, Little, Lockie, Loftus, Logan, Logree, Lowrie, Luke, Lumsden, Lunn, Lusky, Lynch, Lyons, Mabon, Mack, Mackay, Maginnies, Maguiness, Main, Maloney, Mann, Maquigan, Mark, Mars, Martin, Mather, Mathieson, Mathison, McAdam, McBryde, McCannon, McCardell, McCarron, McCorkindale, McDonald, McDougall, McEwan, McFayden, McFie, McGalvie, McGill, McGinn, McGlasson, McGlinty, McGowan, McGregor, McGrigor, McGuire, McInnes, McInspinte, McInspirit, McIvor, McKay, McKenna, McKingstree, McKinstrae, McLaren, McLauchlan, McLay, McLean, McLeish, McLeod, McLusky, McMichan, McMorran, McNab, McNair, McNamara, McNaulty, McNeill, McPartlan, McPheely, McPherson, McWilliams, Meenan, Meickle, Meikle, Mein, Melrose, Melville, Mercer, Middlemas, Middlemass, Miles, Millar, Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Moffat, Montague, Monteath, Monteith, Moran, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mossman, Mowat, Mowbray, Muckersie, Muir, Mulvey, Munro, Murchison, Murphy, Murray, Neilson, Nevin, Nichol, Nicholson, Nicol, Nicoll, Nicolson, Nilson, Nisbet, Nixon, Noble, Norrie, O'Brien, O'Connell, O'Donnel, O'Donnell, O'Hara, O'Keefe, Oliver, O'Mailley, O'Neil, Ord, Ormiston, Orr, O'Shaughnessy, Ovens, Paisley, Parish, Parker, Paterson, Patterson, Peake, Peden, Phaup, Philipps, Philips, Phin, Piercy, Pirrie, Pittillo, Polson, Porteous, Porter, Pow, Preston, Pringle, Proudfoot, Pryde, Punton, Purvis, Quinn, Rae, Raeburn, Rankin, Rattray, Redpath, Regan, Reid, Reilly, Rennie, Renny, Renton, Renwick, Reynolds, Richardson, Riddell, Rigley, Robertson, Robson, Romanes, Ross, Rule, Russell, Rutherford, Ruthven, Saddler, Sanderson, Sandis, Schick, Scott, Scougal, Scoular, Screen, Sell, Semple, Sharp, Sheach, Shieils, Shiel, Shields, Shiell, Shiells, Shillinglaw, Short, Shortreed, Sibbald, Simpson, Simson, Sinclair, Sinton, Sked, Skeldon, Skellin, Skelling, Skirving, Slater, Smail, Small, Smellie, Smith, Smith Knox, Sneddon, Snowden, Solan, Somers, Sornbay, Spence, Spiers, Spott, Sprott, Stavert, Steele, Stenhouse, Stevenson, Stewart, Stirling, Story, Stott, Stuart, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sutherland, Swan, Swanston, Sweeny, Swinton, Symington, Tait, Taylor, Temple, Thin, Thomson, Thorburn, Tilly, Tinlin, Tocher, Tolmie, Tosh, Trenchard, Trotter, Tucker, Tully, Turnbull, Turner, Vair, Vallance, Veitch, Von, Waddell, Waite, Walker, Wallace, Wanlass, Ward, Warrick, Waters, Watson, Watt, Wayness, Weatherston, Weir, Welsh, Whillans, White, Wight, Wightman, Wilcox, Wilkie, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winning, Winton, Wintrup, Wishart, Wood, Woodend, Woods, Wright, Wylie, Wynne, Wyse, Young, Yule.
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