Next stop was Chirnside, to photograph the church and to
draw a rough plan of the churchyard. Then
on to Ayton, to photograph the church and the war memorial. BFHS published Ayton MI’s some years ago and
have now photographed the older part of the churchyard. Next stage is to photograph the stones in the
newer part of the churchyard and to complete the plan of the layout.
Eyemouth was the last visit, to look at the old churchyard in the town centre, to photograph the old watch house. Some of the old symbolic stones and the supports of tablestones have been incorporated into this building. Both old and new cemeteries at Eyemouth were recorded this year, the next stage being the indexing and research into the Militia lists of the early 19th century.
And after a morning, walking about in the frosty wet grass, lunch in one of the local cafes was most welcome. There’s lots more research and preparation for the Monumental Inscriptions team to do over the winter months.