The September, October and November draws of the 50-50 Club were made at our 25 November meeting.
There were no winners.
The balance in the 1st prize fund is now £131 and in the 2nd prize fund is £75.75.
If you want to be included in future draws, subscribe online to our 50-50 club.
Your subscription for 12 monthly draws costs just £12.
See the 50-50 club subscription page for more details.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Old Langton Graveyard
Another brisk frosty morning, although somewhat treacherous
underfoot, conditions as Elma found last week ideal for photographing. Made my
way to the old graveyards on Langton Estate (above) which is situated in a
heavily wooded area so much so that I even had some difficulty finding.
The original church at Langton was abandoned in1798 when the
new Church was built although the graveyard continued to be used up until
something like 1868. As can be seen in the photograph it is now in an advanced
state of decay and a great many of the stones (there must be perhaps 100 in
all) are heavily overgrown with moss.
This is a Churchyard which we have not yet transcribed but
which we should certainly looking to do although this would have to be in the
early part of the year before it is
again enveloped in vegetation.
My purpose in visiting was principally to track down a
particular inscription for a member - unfortunately I was unsuccessful in this
although it may well be there under the moss.
Incidentally we have recently agreed a new facility whereby
(within reason) we can, on request, photograph any particular stone in any of
the Border graveyards and send electronically as an attachment. We do however
make a small charge of £5 for this service. To
request a photo go to our Contacts Pages, scroll down to
'gravestone recording' and send your