Instead of collapsing in front of the television this Friday after work, treat yourself to a theatre performance - 6pm on Friday 14 August at Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Linda Bankier has been working with Wendy Payn and Ross Graham at the Maltings Theatre, Eastern Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 1AJ, with a group of children, aged 8 to 12, who are creating a play in a week for Maltings Youth Theatre.
The play is still evolving but it will be based on research and information that the children have found out about the Greenses area of Berwick and fishing.
Their short play will be performed at 6pm in the Henry Travers Studio at the Maltings on Friday 14 August.
Here's a trailer:
It’s free to attend and will last a maximum of half an hour.
If you are in or near Berwick, please do go along and support the children who have worked very hard all week on this project.