Monday, September 14, 2009

Business Archives for Family History

The Business Archives Council of Scotland, along with the Ballast Trust
are running a free training course on using business archives for family
and local history. Archivists will take you through some of the common
records that can be of use in finding out more about family members,
their lives and the communities in which they lived.

This free event will take place in the Stirling Room at the Mitchell
Library, Glasgow from 5.45pm-745pm on 29th September 2009.

As well as offering you the chance to learn more about records that may
help your research, we will also be taking this opportunity to find out
what archivists can do for researchers in helping them access and use
these records more effectively and to find out about your own
experiences of using business archives.

To book a place at this event, please email David Powell at or telephone 0141 330 4159.

To comment on this article, please click the 'comments' link below. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for publicising our event on your blog. We have put up a copy of the leaflet about Business Archives that we handed out on the evening on our blog


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