Sunday, December 11, 2011

Maps Implemented on our Parish Pages

At the Scottish Borders Tourism Industry Conference on 1 December 2011, Martin Ogg mentioned Visit Scotland's intention to geo-web some of their pages.
I thought it would be nice to do that for our parish pages but I didn't know how, so I didn't mention it as one of the ideas.

After looking at the new additions to digital six-inch maps of Scotland, I noticed that the National Library of Scotland have created a Maps API (application program interface) which makes it possible to put their maps on our website.

I've used this to put maps on to the Berwickshire, Peeblesshire, Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire parish pages for the following parishes:
Ancrum, Abbey St Bathans, Ashkirk, Ayton, Bedrule, Bowden, Broughton, Glenholm & Kilbucho, Bunkle & Preston, Caddonfoot, Cavers, Channelkirk, Chirnside, Cockburnspath, Coldingham, Coldstream, Crailing, Cranshaws, Drumelzier, Duns, Earlston, Eccles, Eckford, Eddleston, Edgerston, Ednam, Edrom, Ettrick, Eyemouth, Fogo, Foulden, Galashiels, Gordon, Greenlaw, Hawick, Hobkirk, Hounam, Hutton, Innerleithen, Jedburgh, Kelso, Kirkhope, Kirkton, Ladykirk, Lauder, Legerwood, Lilliesleaf, Linton, Longformacus, Lyne & Megget, Makerstoun, Maxton, Melrose, Minto, Mordington, Morebattle, Nenthorn, Oxnam, Peebles, Polwarth, Roberton, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Simprim, Skirling, Smailholm, Southdean & Abbotrule, Sprouston, St Boswells, Stitchill, Stobo, Swinton, Teviothead, Traquair, Tweedsmuir, West Linton, Westruther, Whitsome, Wilton, Yarrow, Yetholm.

I haven't yet added maps for these parishes:
Castleton, Kirkurd, Langton, Manor, Mertoun, Newlands because the API method I'm using doesn't work for these parishes, however I hope to rectify this in the next week.

The maps appear below the Magazine Articles listing.
The maps used are the Quarter-inch to the mile, Scotland, 1921-1923 and/or the One-inch to the mile, Popular edition, Scotland, 1920-1930.
You can use the control at the top left of the map to zoom in or out and drag the map left, right, up, or down as you wish.

If you've looked at these pages before, you may need to refresh the page once or twice in order to see the map.
Please let me know if you have problems or if you see a mistake.


  1. Awfully sorry,
    I seem to have mucked up the map on the St Boswells page.


  2. Nick,
    There's no problem, all you needed to do was refresh the page.

    Peter Munro


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