Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Scotland's Places Transcription Project

For about a year, access to the useful content on the Scotland's Places website has been by subscription only, even the content that was previously available and free.

Quite why we have to pay as taxpayers for their work and also pay a subscription has not been explained.

They've been running a transcription project for various resources (including clock and watch tax rolls, farm horse tax rolls, carriage tax rolls, cart tax rolls, servants tax rolls, hearth tax records and Ordnance Survey name books), the transcribers being volunteers.

Volunteers get a free subscription to Scotland's Places.

They're running 2 workshops for transcribers on Wednesday, 21st August at the Heritage Hub, Hawick.
The workshops are at 10am and 2pm.

There's also a talk about the project at 7pm.

If you'd like to take part, phone the Hub on 01450 360 699.


  1. That's not quite correct Peter - the stuff that was previously free is still free, it's only the new stuff that is subscription only. I've just gone in and double checked access to Perthshire Farm Horse Tax records, for example, and did not need to sign in to see them. Different kettle of fish if I want to see Dog Tax records though!

  2. Chris, Thanks for correcting me. I hope I've set the matter straight in my blog, http://blog.bordersfhs.org.uk/2013/08/scotlandsplaces-transcription-project.html


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