Posters are going up around the Borders for our next talk which I'm giving on 26th February 2012 at the Corn Exchange, Market Square, Melrose, TD6 9PN. Map .
I'll be talking about coins, the kirk session, banking, savings, and the penny post, banknotes, cheques as well as other topics.
I've had some queries about strange money names in the kirk session records and I'll provide answers to them.
If you have a burning question about money in your family history, please comment below.
As usual, we warmly invite you to attend the talk whether you are a member or not. There is no admission charge.
We'll have a range of family history publications available to buy.
Light refreshments will be available after the talk.
If you have a problem with your family history, please discuss it (no
charge) with one of our volunteers.
The monthly 50-50 Club draw will be made at the meeting.
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