Sunday, April 29, 2012
Heavy Traffic Possible at Peebles - Allow Extra Travel Time
I've recently discovered that Peebles Rugby Sevens is on the same day - kickoff at 1.30 pm at The Gytes, which is just at the entrance to Peebles on the road from the Galashiels and Innerleithen direction.
Traffic may be heavy and queues long so it might be prudent to allow extra travel time.
If you're not familiar with Peebles, here's a map.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Kelso Rosebank Cemetery Book Out of Print
They were large and needed a lot of storage space and were comparatively costly at £21 plus postage. We're not planning a reprint.
The Kelso Rosebank Cemetery CD (see image) is still available, has the same content as the book, and is a bargain at £10 plus postage. It's also a lot cheaper to post a CD than an A4 book.
It contains all the usual things that we put in our Monumental Inscriptions publications like a Militia list as well as the monumental inscriptions/gravestone inscriptions from the 2454 gravestones in the cemetery except that there's no Hearth Tax list, no War Memorial inscriptions, and no list of kirk ministers. It covers stones installed between 1870 and 2002 in the Rosebank Cemetery, Kelso, Roxburghshire. There is an index to the surnames and you can search the index of surnames.
The other Monumental Inscriptions publication for Kelso, Roxburghshire is Kelso Abbey, Old Churchyard & St Andrew’s CD which also costs £10 plus postage.
This contains details and photographs of 460 monumental (gravestone) inscriptions for Kelso Old Churchyard, Purvis Aisle, Kelso Abbey, and St Andrew’s Episcopal Church and the inscriptions on 199 stones lost in 1979 when the surrounding wall was removed from the churchyard and new paths were laid allowing direct access from the Knowes car park to the town centre.
We’ve also included the inscriptions on the Kelso War Memorial, the war memorials in St Andrew’s Church, St Mary’s Church, and Kelso High School. It includes a list of ministers, the landowners and tenants on the Hearth Tax assessment in the parish of Kelso in 1690, the men on the Militia list from 1797 to 1801, a plan of Kelso dated 1854, a plan of the churchyard and an index to the surnames included in the inscriptions.
Additionally, there’s a list of funerals and dates in Kelso 1798 to 1813. This is particularly useful because many of Kelso’s inhabitants were buried without a marker, visitors to the parish were sometimes buried without their name being known. Several regiments were stationed in the town, together with French Prisoners of War and their burials are recorded here.
See our full range of Monumental Inscriptions publications.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Postal Costs Rise on 30th April 2012
So, get your orders for publications in before 30th April.
Here's our sales list.
You can email your order and credit card details via our Contacts page or better still, give our Sales Convenor, Mary Thomson, a ring on 01896 756 798 (+44 1896 756 798 from abroad).
Scottish Marriage Index
Sunday, April 22, 2012
SAFHS Conference 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Harts Army List (1808 to 1945) Available Online
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Adam Clark, Bridge Constructor, Budapest

Our next talk is on Sunday, 29th April, in the Drill Hall, Peebles Community Centre, EH45 8AU, when Jim Lyon will be talking to us about Adam Clark who supervised the construction of the Széchenyi Chain Bridge over the Danube between Buda and Pest, Hungary.
Jim Lyon, a well-travelled civil engineer born in the Scottish Borders, will give us an insight into the amazing life of Adam Clark. The presentation will cover Adam’s early years in the Scottish Borders, his apprenticeship as a millwright and the building of the first bridge over the Danube since Roman Times linking Buda and Pest. Whilst Adam Clark is immortalised in Hungary and the iconic bridge, opened in 1849, is still in use today, Adam Clark is barely known in Scotland.
I warmly invite you to attend the talk whether you are a member or not.
The doors will be open at 2pm; the talk begins at 2.30pm.
It’s free, so we hope to see lots of you there.
We'll have a range of family history publications available to buy.
As usual there’ll be tea, coffee, and biscuits available after the talk.
We’ll also be making the monthly 50-50 draw at the meeting.
If you have a problem with your family history, please discuss it (no charge) with one of our volunteers.
If you're not familiar with Peebles, here's a map.
Our latest volume, Coldingham Monumental Inscriptions is available.
Read our Kith & Kin column every week in the Border Telegraph and Peeblesshire News newspapers.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Struck Iceberg ... Sinking Fast
More than 1500 people (men, women and children) died as a result; most within minutes of hypothermia in icy water.
The English National Archives is offering a Titanic chat session each day from 2pm to 4pm (British Summer Time) on 17th, 18th, 19th April.
It's worth looking at their Titanic exhibition where there is a free search, too;
at their Titanic Image Showcase of related images
and listening to a 37 minute podcast about the Titanic.
The Library and Archives Canada have a Titanic image gallery on Flickr.
More info on Wikipedia's Titanic article as well as many other sites.
Our latest volume, Coldingham Monumental Inscriptions has been published.
Read our Kith & Kin column every week in the Border Telegraph and Peeblesshire News newspapers.
Crops, Cod, Cloth 'n Coals - Saturday 21st April, Bonar Halls, University of Dundee
Monday, April 9, 2012
More on Florado Helios Muybridge
In the 1940 directory, his entry reads 'h rear 914 27th'. Rear 914 27th is his address, but what does the 'h' mean ?
Our latest volume, Coldingham Monumental Inscriptions has been published.
Read our Kith & Kin column every week in the Border Telegraph and Peeblesshire News newspapers.
The Changing Names of Eadweard Muybridge
He was an iconic English photographer and a pioneer in animated images in photography (and a writer) who spent much of his working life in the United States of America, but also visited Canada, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Britain, central and South America and Russia to take photos.
There's no connection to the Borders that I can see, but his life is an excellent example of changing spellings of surnames.
I've consulted the
- Wikipedia article about Eadweard Muybridge
- The Compleat Eadweard Muybridge: Chronology 1830-1875
- YouTube's compiled page on Eadweard Muybridge
He was born 9 April 1830 at Kingston upon Thames, England with the name Edward James Muggeridge.
Wikipedia says he first changed his forenames to Eduardo Santiago (in Spanish, Santiago means St James).
In 1847, his brother, John, died; having changed his name to Wybridge.
In 1850, his name was Muggridge; in April or May 1856, Muygridge; in November 1865, Muybridge.
On 20 May 1871, using the name Edward J. Muybridge (aged 41) he married Flora E. Downs (she was aged 20 !).
Around 15 April 1874 their child, Florado (or Floredo) Helios Muybridge, was born in San Francisco, but Edward then discovered Major Harry Larkyns was Flora's lover, suspected that Larkyns was the real father, and on 17 October shot him dead.
I'm rather confused by the Compleat Chronology because Florado seems also to have been named George Down Muybridge.
On 14 December, his wife, Flora, filed for divorce and alimony claiming extreme cruelty. The trial of Muybridge for killing Larkyns acquitted him on 18 February 1875 on the grounds that the killing was justified because Larkyns had seduced his wife.
Flora's application for alimony was granted on 30 April 1875 at $50 per month; Muybridge at that time earning $300 or more per month, however, on 18 July, Flora died, still married.
Sometime in February or March, his first name changed to Eadweard.
On 8 May 1904 he died. Wikipedia says that on his gravestone, he was named as Eadweard Maybridge. The Compleat Chronology says the crematorium register called him Eudweard Muybridge.
According to Family Search, Florato H Muybridge is in the 1930 census in Sacramento, California, United States of America, birth year 1874, and his mother was born in France. The California death index shows his name as Florado and that he died on 1 Feb 1944. Family Search also lists Florado H Maybridge in the 1900 census in the household of George Tilson. The last 2 records show his birth as January 1874, but that might be because only 1874 was recorded.
If you found his birth record as Muggeridge, you might look for Muggridge, but you would be lucky to think of Muygridge and luckier still to find Muybridge or Maybridge. Even worse, if you were looking for John Muggeridge, I'm sure you wouldn't think of Wybridge.
Our latest volume, Coldingham Monumental Inscriptions has been published.
Read our Kith & Kin column every week in the Border Telegraph and Peeblesshire News newspapers.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
More Cataloguing of Flodden Finds
We have, I think, finished field 18, and made a start on field 19.
There was less of interest to me today, musket balls, some buckled lead sheet, a clay marble, bits of 19th century window glass, fragments of clay tobacco pipes, bits of glass bottles, two pins, medieval pottery and some coins – a couple of just recognisable Charles II copper Scottish turners (also known as bodles) worth two pence each.
The young lady sitting next to me asked me about a corroded coin and I suggested she brush it, not really expecting that would do much good. How wrong I was, very quickly Britannia was recognisable with a blank exergue. As it was penny sized, I knew it must be 1806 or 1807. After some more brushing, George III's head was visible, and the date, 1806, was just discernible. Perhaps she's an archaeologist or a numismatist in the making.
Old Gala House Research Room
Our volunteers will be there every Thursday (10am to 3.45pm) to help you with your research, whether you need a bit of help to break through a brick wall or if you're just not sure where to start with your family history.
The Old Gala Club have a new exhibition in Old Gala House (open Tue - Sat from Apr to Oct, Mon - Sun in Jul & Aug) with a great selection of photographs of people who lived and worked in Gala including the Police and Fire service. And there's a coffee shop and free parking as well.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
1915 Valuation Rolls online

Have you had at look at the 1915 Valuation Rolls on the Scotlands People website yet? It’s another option when you are searching for people especially if you can’t get to the local archive.
You still have to use your credits but there is an introductory reduced rate of 2 credits to view each image. The 1911 Census was made available last year and now, we have 1915 owners, tenants and occupiers of properties so you can see where the head of the family was living at the beginning of WWI and between censuses.
I’ve only looked for 2 of my great grandfathers so far – one of them was where I expected him to be but my Dumfriesshire great grandfather was living in a cottage that I didn’t have recorded. I think that’s 8 houses - so far - that grandpa Henry lived in.
The Valuation Rolls are available online at Scotlands People and at the Scotlands People centre.
If you are looking for Borders residents, the original Valuation Roll books are also available at the Scottish Borders Archive and Local History Centre in Hawick and for East Lothian residents, they are available on microfilm, or microfiche, at the East Lothian Archive in Haddington.
Free Access to Ancestry's US Records till 10th/11th April
Access ends at midnight ET, which isn't a reference to extra-terrestrials or aliens, I think it corresponds to 5am Scottish Borders time on 11th April.
As is normal, with Ancestry's offers, you'll need to register if you haven't already done so.
Search the United States records.
Monday, April 2, 2012
April Fools Day
I was always apprehensive for several weeks before April Fools Day and I was into my teens before I was successful in not getting fooled.
Of course I played my part in fooling others.
Nowadays, April Fools seems to be barely observed, except in the media.
This year we had the Prime Minister asking Shaun Ryder to advise on class and help to detox Tories, the new Thermal Reduction Initiative (Champagne) to add 9% duty to all chilled champagne sold in public places, bagpipe music arousing the Edinburgh zoo pandas, and Google's new Click-to-Teleport Extensions for websites allowing potential customers to instantly teleport to the website's business location directly from a search ad. I would particularly welcome such an innovation. It's often said that the best part of a holiday is the journey but that's rarely true for me; perhaps I'm going to the wrong places.
Did you catch these ?
I found these Australian April Fools interesting.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
East Lothian Archives & Local History Centre
You might be interested in visiting the delightful East Lothian's new archives and local history centre which opened on Friday 30th March 2012 within the John Gray Centre in Haddington. Map. The centre which was previously housed within a cramped upper floor room in the old Library premises is now spacious and accessible to all and open to the public as follows :-
- Monday 09.30 – 17.00
- Tuesday 09.30 – 20.45
- Wednesday closed
- Thursday 11.00 – 17.00
- Friday 09.30 – 17.00
- Saturday 10.00 – 13.45
- Sunday closed
More details of East Lothian Archives & Local History Centre (caution, site not yet tested by Site Advisor).