Our next talk is on Sunday 30th October at 2.30pm at Foulden Village Hall, in Foulden, Berwickshire, TD15 1UH. Map.
The speaker is Gregory Lauder-Frost, one of our trustees and a very experienced genealogist. He will examine two families in particular, Renton of Billie and Lamberton and the Jaffrey/Jeffrey family in Foulden and Mordington.
The former are lairds, whilst the latter ordinary folk, blacksmiths and smallholders. He will show how the details on these families were and can be publicly sourced, the sort of information revealed in those sources, and, importantly, links with other families.
The doors will be open at 2pm, with the talk starting at 2.30pm.
We warmly invite you to attend the talk whether you are a member or not.
There is no admission charge.
We'll have a range of family history publications available to buy.
If you have a problem with your family history, please discuss it (no charge) with one of our volunteers.
Gregory is also the author of the Genealogies of Scottish Families CD. This contains details of over 36,000 people in the genealogical standard GEDCOM format. It includes ancestors and descendants who immigrated to Scotland, and emigrants from Scotland. However remotely, everyone on the CD is related to at least one other person on the CD.
The main families included have the surnames Hay, Forbes, Lauder, Scott, Hamilton, Rutherford, Pringle, Douglas, Hepburn, Home but there are many others.
The CD costs £45 (plus postage). To buy a copy, please contact Mary Thomson on the Contacts page using the contact type 'Order for Publications'.
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